Hi, there! I have been a wife for 37 years, am a mother of two amazing children, and a grandmother to three precious little ones. Above everything, I am a Christ follower. I believe in being honest and kind!!
My desire is to share my life experiences with you. I have been rich, poor, loved and unloved. I have had peace and have been in turmoil. Our decisions at the end of the day are what determine our destination. I pray for wisdom and discernment to make the right decisions. God always impresses on me the wise thing to do.
I have a huge passion for technology and at my age that’s crazy. I love education. I have been a coach/mentor at work for many years, and I also have been mentoring personally. I believe in sharing knowledge with the next generation or anyone that is interested in the things I have learned. I have had so many asking me to share ideas with them, that I am hoping this might be an excellent platform.
I hope you enjoy my blog as I share with you the things that make me who I am and make me happy. I have many more years behind me than I do ahead of me, so I wanted to share some wisdom I have learned along this crazy life journey I have been on. My hope is you learn something new today. Please enjoy the site and feel free to ask me any questions.